
Option 1: PPA

Run the following commands in a terminal

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:andrescv/jupiter
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jupiter

Option 2: Deb Package

You need to download the debian package:

Then run the following command in a terminal

sudo dpkg -i jupiter_3.1_amd64.deb

Option 3: App Image

You need to download the app image from here and run the following commands

sudo mv image /opt/jupiter

Option 4: Build from Source

You have to install Java 11 in order to build Jupiter from source:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java11-installer

Then clone the repository:

git clone

To create the app image, just run the following:

./gradlew jlink

The previous command will create a build directory, inside that directory you will find a directory called image that contains the Jupiter app. You can start Jupiter using the following command:


Verify Installation

To verify that you successfully install Jupiter, please run the following command in a terminal

jupiter -v

you should see the following output

        __          _ __         
    __ / /_ _____  (_) /____ ____
   / // / // / _ \/ / __/ -_) __/
   \___/\_,_/ .__/_/\__/\__/_/

RISC-V Assembler & Runtime Simulator

Last updated